
Mexendo nuns papéis antigos, achei um texto que escrevi quando estava fazendo um curso em 2005. Só guardei a cópia em inglês, escrita à caneta em um livro floral de capa roxa. Escrevi depois de ler Moments of Being, de Virginia Woolf: “Existe um passado que quero preservar para o futuro”. Lembro que gostei muito do que experimentei naquelas páginas. Achei meu volume por aqui: está todo amassado, riscado, grifado. Parece que fiz sexo com o livro. Ela nos faz voltar a querer sentir.

The memories of Woolf are full of sensorial descriptions, in which the author searches in the human senses, like vision, smell, touch and hearing the past experience. This is the same way as I keep the records of my past life: a note left in a drawer, a music that makes me cry, a picture that brings me back a sunday morning at the beach with my parents, a wool sweather that no longer fits me, but it has a special place in my closet, because it was made by my mom. I think that the remembering writing method is based on the world game of revealing and hiding, that Woolf shows us the important moments of her life. Every time that I live something intense, I use to speak to myself: I wish that Time could stop in this moment right now, so I could keep this feeling with me regardless where I am.
Na, fall 2005.

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